Moyha has been implementing the project co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development under the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 (Sub-measure 3.3.3) -Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands - GO TO BRAND.
Title of the project: Participation in economic fairs and missions, and promotion of the product brand, Moyha.
Goals and planned effects of the project: increasing recognition and acknowledgement of the brand on international markets, attracting new business partners as well as increasing export earnings and promoting the Polish brand on international markets.
Value of the project: 397 800,00 PLN
Contribution of the EU funds: 338 130,00 PLN
Moyha has been implementing the project co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development under the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 (Sub-measure 3.3.3) -Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands - GO TO BRAND.
Title of the project: Participation in economic fairs and missions, and promotion of the product brand, Moyha.
Goals and planned effects of the project: increasing recognition and acknowledgement of the brand on international markets, attracting new business partners as well as increasing export earnings and promoting the Polish brand on international markets.
Value of the project: 415 200,00 PLN
Contribution of the EU funds: 352 920,00 PLN